Humana conditio ex orgonomico prospectu: Stichwort „Demokratie” und folgende

Humana conditio ex orgonomico prospectu: Stichwort „Demokratie“ und folgende

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12 Antworten to “Humana conditio ex orgonomico prospectu: Stichwort „Demokratie” und folgende”

  1. Robert (Berlin) Says:

    „renommierten Wissenschaftsjournal TV Hören und Sehen“

    Ich dachte immer, das wäre eine Fernsehzeitschrift des Bauer Verlags.

  2. Klaus Says:

    „der Ursprung der Panzerung sei vielleicht darin zu finden, daß der Mensch vor Äonen über sein eigenes Funktionieren nachdachte im Sinne des besagten ‚internen Fokus’“
    Die beliebten Eso-Techniken, die als ‚sanfte’ körperorientierte Verfahren auch in die Praktiken der Tagesklinikangebote und der Rehakliniken Eingang gefunden haben, zielen gerade darauf ab, ‚sich oder ‚seinen Körper’ ‚besser’ wahrzunehmen. Ja, eben das ist wohl eine Form, dem Unbewussten nicht zu vertrauen. In jedem Standard-Yogabuch steht drin, dass es beim Yoga darum geht, größtmögliche Kontrolle über den Körper zu erlangen.
    So gesehen, ist eine Besinnung auf westlichen Sport, in dem es um Freude am Kräftemessen, um Kondition und Kraft geht, (nicht vor dem Fernseher) wünschenswert.

  3. David Says:

    bei jeder Form von Balanceakt ist es besser nicht hinzusehen.

    Balance auch bei Dirty Dancing:

    • O. Says:

      Vom recht unsinnigen Gespräch hin zum Balanceakt, sich etwas zu trauen … nicht einstudierte Schritte aufs Parkett zu legen.

  4. Tzindaro Says:

    Reich, having at first, while in his Marxist phase, constructed a theory of economic advantage to explain the origin of armoring, later, after he had ceased to be a Communist, speculated in Cosmic Superimposition about a possible psychological explanation, but it was only a speculation and he never went farther and developed it into a full theory.

    Most Reichians today still tend to think in terms of Reichs earlier, Marxist, ideas on the subject. Other thinkers in orgonomy, especially Charles Kelley, and more recently, James DeMeo, disagreed with this late speculation of Reich and attempted other explanations, but without much success. Kelley thought the reason for armoring was due to a malfunction of the capacity to sustan purposeful behavior over a period of time, but his reasoning on that was unconvincing.

    More recently, DeMeo has ascribed the origin of armoring to the effects of prolonged drought and desertification in ancient times, but his dates for the desertification, which began around 6,000 years ago, do not match with the archeological record of militaristic warlike Kurgan invasions of Old Europe, which started a thousand years before that and during a moist period.

    Ted Lazar, in a series of essays published in the British orgonomic journal, Orgonomic Functionalism, published by Paul Ritter in England in the late 50s and early 60s, expounded a theory based on a combination of the armoring concepts of Reich with the astronomical catastrophe theory of Immanual Velikovsky

    According to Lazar, the historical origin of armoring was a violent natural catastrophe in Neolithic times. It can be dated astronomically. If you backtrack the orbit of the earth by computer and do the same with other bodies in the solar system, at around 5,400 years ago the earth intercepts the Taurid meteor swarm in space. By calculating from the present rate of abalation how dense that swarm was at that time, and from that how many major impacts there would have been, you get a figure of more than 100 major impacts. We do not find that many craters because most of them were airbursts like the one that blew up over the Tunguska peninsula in Siberia in 1908.

    These traumatic events terrified the ancient humans and literally drove them insane, leading to sky god religions, authoritarian kings, wars and empires, huge construction projects like pyramids, etc., a drive to control and dominate nature out of fear of another such disaster, and all the other changes in Neolithic cultures that have come down to our times passed on from one insane generation to the next.

    The culture that suffered the catastrophe, like an individual with amnesia, repressed the memory of the frightening event, but it still remains underground, surfacing in myths and legends in symbolic form such as the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden. And, like a victim of amnesia, the modern cultures descended from the ancients who endured the meteor storms, feel a compulsion to re-experience the disaster again and again in an effort to somehow gain control over it. That is the reason for wars. The terrifying events seen in the skies were thought by many ancient cultures to be wars being fought in heaven by the gods and they took up arms in imitation of their gods and fought ritual battles against the followers of other gods in the sky.

    The subliminal need to repete the fearsome but repressed and forgotten experience when the earth almost died a violent death is also the underlying motive for the development of nuclear weapons in an attempt to re-create and re-experience the destruction suffered by our ancestors when death rained down from the sky.

  5. Peter Nasselstein Says:

    Schon länger ist bekannt, dass Bewegung gesund ist und die geistige Fitness fördert. Jetzt belegt ein Experiment, dass sogar schon eine kurze Zeit der körperlichen Aktivität ausreicht, um die Plastizität des Gehirns zu erhöhen – die Fähigkeit unseres Denkorgans, sich flexibel an veränderte Bedingungen und neue Reize anzupassen.

  6. Peter Nasselstein Says:

    Die formale Demokratie hat uns schnurstracks in ein faschistisches Regime geführt:

    Der Aufprall wird für Deutschland brutal hart! Michael Mross Interview (

  7. Peter Nasselstein Says:

    Die organisierte und shwerbewaffnete Emotionelle Pest schlägt wild um sich:

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